I’m so glad our paths have crossed!

Hi, I’m Kate. Welcome to my travel blog, Kate’s Crossing. The space where I share my dreams in hopes of inspiring you, detail the adventures I find myself on, and share all the lessons, tips, and tricks I learned along the way.

Who am I, and why should you read my blog? That’s a great question! Well, let me start with that: I’m a native Montanan who lived a very sheltered life in a small town with only one stop light. My mother is a worrier and prefers to play life way inside her comfort zone, and therefore, she likes to keep her children safely inside that zone as well.

Despite my wanderlusting spirit and big dreams (which I kept to myself), I played my life according to the societal norms rule book, and my parent’s expectations. I went to college (became a nurse), got a job, got married (married my high school sweetheart), and tried to have babies (tried being the underlined word). Despite becoming everything I thought I was supposed to be, I never felt like I became who I was meant to be.

One day, after what I can only describe as the worst panic attack of my life, I knew something had to change. I felt like an imposter, living someone else’s life. A better description would be that I felt trapped in someone else’s life. I knew I had been making every life choice to please other people but somehow, I couldn’t stop. Let me tell you, being a people pleaser can really backfire! It chips away at your heart little by little till one day - BOOM! You find yourself crying uncontrollably in your bathroom at 2 a.m. dry heaving in the toilet because you feel like your heart has literally jumped into your throat.

Here I was 34 years old, feeling like I hadn’t accomplished anything (even thou some would say I had accomplished a lot), looking down the road at my future, terrified of what I saw. I knew I wasn’t on the right path. I asked myself how much longer I was going to keep pretending. 34 years had already flown by and I wasn’t going to let another year go by unaligned with my heart. This forced my perspective on life to shift. I then dedicated myself to pursuing my dreams and embracing the life I felt destined to lead, regardless of any hurdles or opinions, including my own. I found liberation in prioritizing choices for myself over pleasing other people.

I found myself with all this newfound freedom, and the first thing I did was put my dreams to paper by writing a bucket list (spared no craziness). This bucket list changed everything for me! It gave me permission to live the life my heart had always wanted, and it led me to my person (my soulmate) I was meant to find.

(Side story: When I say “spared no craziness” on my bucket list, I mean like putting I want to learn how to fly a helicopter on the list. Which led me to message a helicopter pilot on what I need to do to accomplish this bucket list item. Long story short, that helicopter pilot is now my husband - Swoon! And, no, I have not learned how to fly a helicopter but my pilot has taken me for a ride. Turns out that learning to fly one is incredibly difficult and outrageously expensive! But I am entertaining the idea of becoming a fixed-wing pilot one day! Shhh - Don’t tell my Mom!)

Now back to why you should follow my blog…

Where were we? Ah, yes.

Since 2018 when I decided to dive head first into my dreams, I have collected so many amazing memories and experiences across the globe. I’ve met a lot of incredible people and learned so much about myself and the world.

I feel compelled to share my personal journey, experiences, and love for adventure with whoever is willing to listen. I love to teach, to share, to inspire! I hope that my stories motivate you to step beyond your comfort zone, liberate yourself from limitations, pursue your aspirations, and embrace the life that you are meant to live. If I can do it, so can you!

I invite you to join me on this journey, and together, we can inspire one another to pursue our dreams relentlessly and create a life filled with remarkable memories and endless possibilities.

So, join Kate’s Crossing, and let’s do this thing!

Facts about me:

* I’m an introvert

* I don’t like my laugh

* I’m a full-time ER nurse

* I'm not ticklish- at all

* I’m afraid of lakes

* I love being creative

* I have three horses

* My goal is to see 50

countries by age 50

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Goal: 50 countries by age 50…



~Years Traveling~


~Years to go~
